UK income and wealth statistics

While we discourage people from comparing their situation to others’, sometimes it is helpful to check your intuitions of other people’s financial situations against the real numbers. You may be surprised.

In the UK, the Office of National Statistics has a wealth (!) of information. We have compiled some of the most commonly requested stats on this page for easy reference.

Important notes about these numbers

These statistics are population-level averages collected for the purpose of policymaking and research. Please don’t fixate on any specific numbers on this page, and do not stress about where you are in relation to them! Your time is much better spent working on your own goals.

There are also many nuances to these reports which require careful thought if you’re trying to work out where you fit into them, or even to understand what they mean more generally. For example, the top 10% of salaries for full time employees does not represent the top 10% of wealthy people in society, many of whom may be business owners or have generational wealth. The statistics on ‘wealth’ are not necessarily intuitive – they define ‘wealth’ as a lot more than what you have in the bank. More information is always available from the linked bulletins and data sources.

The data in the tables below are taken directly from the described sources, but we’ve picked out only the most relevant parts, and have reworded some labels and headings for clarity. Please let us know if you find any errors, or if more recent data sets become available.

You’ll see the term ‘percentile‘ used a lot. This is a great explanation of how they work.

Individual income

The tables below are taken from the 2023 Annual Survey for Hours and Earnings (ASHE). The full data set contains many more datasets, such as information on income and hours worked by industry, gender, ethnic group, parents’ employment and educational status, household composition, and more. For more information on definitions used and limitations of the data see this guide.

Annual pay for full-time employees by age

All employees21,00024,49626,08527,67331,06934,96339,51644,73848,00052,00766,669
Source: Table 6.7a Annual pay – Gross (£) – For full-time employee jobs*: United Kingdom, 2023 Provisional
* Employees on adult rates who have been in the same job for more than a year.

Annual pay for full-time employees by region

North East19,64722,52023,95025,16227,83931,20034,87339,10341,80844,52552,702
North West20,50123,61125,01226,46529,57933,03636,98041,93445,00848,67360,061
Yorkshire and The Humber20,27223,33924,61325,95528,65431,92035,87940,54542,98546,95057,847
East Midlands19,85023,00424,29825,79228,46431,63435,16340,05142,81846,34856,839
West Midlands20,52023,69625,17226,59829,58733,00337,34941,76244,51848,00058,589
South East21,34425,31127,03928,69332,45836,56041,29646,92450,06454,61069,330
South West20,76723,98425,37926,85629,95833,45037,39042,08644,94048,17360,284
United Kingdom21,00024,49626,08527,67331,06934,96339,51644,73848,00052,00766,669
Source: Table 25.7a Annual pay – Gross (£) – For full-time employee jobs*: United Kingdom, 2023 Provisional
* Employees on adult rates who have been in the same job for more than a year.

For Northern Ireland please see NISRA’s report on their Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. Unfortunately they have not published percentiles.

Household income before and after taxes

Average household incomes of non-retired individuals

Note these figures are per household, not per individual.

Gross income
(including wages, self employment income, investment income, Universal Credit, child benefit, PIP, etc)
Disposable income
(after income tax, NI, council tax,and student loans)
Source: Table 18: Average household incomes, taxes and benefits of NON-RETIRED individuals by decile and quintile group, 2021/22

The full report contains much more information such as the types of direct income and state benefits which make up the total income, and the taxes breakdown. There is also an associated bulletin with some analysis and graphs, and definitions of terms used.


The tables below come from the Wealth and Assets survey 2018-2020.

Important note: the numbers below include much more than what you have in the bank! The definition of ‘wealth’ used here is: the value of all financial assets held (including vehicles, household possessions, as well as savings, investments, pensions, property) minus all financial liabilities such as credit cards and loans.

Average total individual wealth by age

Age bandMedian estimate
16 to 1914,000
20 to 2415,300
25 to 2924,200
30 to 3444,700
35 to 3974,300
40 to 44131,000
45 to 49173,500
50 to 54224,800
55 to 59306,500
60 to 64380,100
65 to 69355,800
70 to 74319,700
75 to 79281,400
80 to 84252,700
85 to 89286,600
90 plus223,900
Source: Table 2: Average total individual wealth. Great Britain, April 2018 to March 2020

Average total individual wealth by region

AreaMedian estimate
East Midlands110,300
East of England176,200
North East78,800
North West96,700
South East235,900
South West166,100
West Midlands108,500
Yorkshire & the Humber92,800
Great Britain124,700
Source: Table 1: Average total individual wealth and Table 12: Average total individual wealth by geographical region (NUTS1). Great Britain, April 2018 to March 2020

Wondering why the London wealth number seems low? See Section 4, ‘Regional Inequalities’ in the (very readable!) associated bulletin.

Unfortunately no data is available for Northern Ireland.


Pension value by age

Age25th percentile
50th percentile
75th percentile
Source: Table 6.8 Individuals with wealth in pensions not yet in payment (active or preserved), summary statistics by age and pension type. Great Britain, April 2018 to March 2020, All Pension Types

Saving for retirement in Great Britain: April 2018 to March 2020 bulletin. The full data sets include breakdowns by pension type, employer and employee contributions, ethnic group, household type and more.

Employer pension contributions

The table below shows what percentage of employees currently enrolled in Defined Contribution pension schemes receive each bracket of employer contribution. This excludes employees in Defined Benefit schemes (such as in much of the public sector) or no pension scheme.

It’s important to note that the level of pension benefits employers are generally expected to provide varies hugely by sector and job role. The minimum employer contribution under auto-enrolment is 3%.

Employer contribution
to DC scheme
Percentage of employees enrolled in DC schemes receiving this employer contribution
Under 4%49
4% to < 8%29
8% to < 10%7
10% to < 12%5
12% to < 15%4
15% to < 20%2
20% and over3
Table P9.1 Employer Contributions – For all employee jobs*: United Kingdom, 2021
* Employees on adult rates whose pay for the survey pay-period was not affected by absence. Estimates for 2020 and 2021 include employees who have been furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS).
Note the original table splits DC pensions into different types (‘Group Personal Pension’, ‘Group Stakeholder Pension’ etc). They have been added up and percentages calculated to form the above table.

Find out more

We got all this data from the Office of National Statistics. We encourage you to search for any information you may be interested in yourself – you can open any of the sources we’ve linked to for much more detailed breakdowns, as well as searching the site for other data sets you may be interested in.

Disclaimer: we have found it takes a bit of work to find the right report and learn how to interpret it. Always read through the detail carefully to understand what the numbers mean.

If you find something cool and useful, tell us and we can add it to the page 🙂