Recommended Resources

Recommended Resources

There’s always more to learn, and we have picked some of the best websites, books, podcasts and videos below.

Useful websites

This wiki! We have pages on many topics.

MoneySavingExpert: When it comes to keeping track of the best savings accounts or credit cards, and great money saving tips, no one can beat MSE. Money and Tax pages: The official pages are clearly written and very helpful if you want to check topics like Income Tax, National Insurance, pension tax relief, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, etc.

Monevator: UK-focused investment and personal finances blog, with a wealth of knowledge going back many years – always worth searching for any topic. See especially their series Investing Lessons for Beginners.


⚠️ YouTube warning: like most social media sites, when it comes to financial content YouTube is plagued with scams, bogus get-rich-quick schemes, and misinformation – be careful when searching for things to watch. However there is also some great quality content available. We have some recommendations below.

And no, we don’t know of any short-form video content to recommend.

Our favourite youtube channels, both of which are currently active and with extensive archives on many topics are:

Meaningful Money: Pete Matthews, a UK based financial planner, uploads shorter videos on many topics from retirement, investment, tax, UK state pension and more.

James Shack: UK based financial planner, uploads in depth videos on investing, mortgages, retirement and other subjects

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The ultimate counterpoint to attempting to “beat the markets” – after spending 15 years working in active fund management, Tim Hale concluded that the best outcomes for most investors in most situations would be a simple portfolio of “passive” investments.

How To Invest Without Speculation And Sleepless Nights – Simple, stress-free investing advice by former hedge fund manager Lars Kroijer. He also has a youtube channel of the same name.

Straightforward approach to budgeting, planning, saving and investing from the host of the Meaningful Money podcast and youtube channel.

A collection of short stories about how different people think about money. The message is well delivered and gets you to think about money, wealth and happiness in everyday life.

You may also be interested in…

  • Money: A User’s Guide – Laura Whateley: This is a well written introduction to personal finances with a focus on saving for your first home.
  • Your Money Matters – a textbook for 14-16 year olds developed by moneysavingexpert to follow school curriculums. It is available for free download and covers topics such as spending and saving, borrowing, debt, insurance, student finance and future planning
  • The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason: First written in 1926 (original version linked as PDF), with various re-issues and updates available in print form. Very sound basic financial advice written as compelling parables from the age of Babylon. Still accessible and helpful reading today.
  • Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham: This book was written by the father of “value investing”, and the mentor of Warren Buffett, who is widely accepted to be the world’s most successful investor. It was originally published in 1948, but Ben Graham updated it periodically over the years, and it stands as true today as it ever has.
  • Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder letters – Warren Buffett: A series of essays over the years from the world’s most successful investor. Makes interesting reading!


The Financial Times have Money Clinic with Claer Barret, interviewing guests about their real-life financial situations and offering suggestions from experts.

Martin Lewis has a podcast on BBC Radio 5, with similar content to his TV show.

Radio 4 have Money Box, which covers a wide variety of personal finances questions and news.

Online Courses